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The Treatment is Working!

Today we learned the results of Markus’ recent tests and we praise the Lord that the past three months of treatment have shown great effectiveness! The tumors are shrinking, with some of them completely invisible, even on the MRI’s and PET scan images. The staff at BC Children’s Hospital continue to show an incredible amount of expertise and compassion as they execute the plan to attack the cancer in Markus’ body. All the doctors are pleased with where he is at and are unanimous that the aggressive treatment can continue. They are hopeful that Markus can beat this!

They also let us know what’s going to happen next. For the next 6-7 weeks Markus will continue to receive the same treatment plan. In mid-July he will have major surgery to remove most of the bone from his upper arm and have it replaced with titanium. It will take a few weeks to recover and then they will resume chemo for another 10-12 weeks. Once the chemo is finished, he will have another big surgery to remove a large portion of his liver where there was tumor. This will be followed by radiation to his lungs and his lower spine where there was also tumor.

We are thankful to God that today we could receive news as to where the path is leading us, where God is leading us. And we are thankful! We also thank you for your prayers and love! God continues to shower us with his grace through the words of encouragement and prayers of you all. While we don’t have capacity to respond to everyone, your emails, texts, and messages are source of strength for us. God is good all of the time and all of the time God is good.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Markus helping out with the lawn care

Views from the 8th floor at BC Children's Hospital
